Show Me The Science
Interactive STEM outreach and public engagement
Welcome to Show Me The Science
Who are we?
We are a diverse group of passionate and enthusiastic people, who love STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) education, and are here to promote these fields to all.
What do we do?
We exist to inspire the next generation of STEM leaders and show that a STEM education and career is achievable and accessible. To do this, we use themed interactive activities and demonstrations that kids and the wider general public (including you bigger kids!) can engage with and learn about.
STEM based careers have traditionally been considered only for the 'elite' or higher achievers, and we know from first hand experience, that this is not always the case. We want to showcase the talent and diversity that STEM needs, and that it is achievable for a lot more people than think they can do it.
We organise visits to schools for assemblies, themed or generalised activity workshops, after school clubs and science fairs, and public events like science festivals or general festivals/events with stalls, where we can showcase different activities